Non-chronological history 

       from exhibition “Blackout, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherland.

          9 slide projectors( auto timer), tiny photographs on table with magnifiers.


In Thai history, every incident relates to each other. There is always a cause and an effect for every incident. One incident leads to other, and leads to other. These series of causes and effects have created many overlapping areas of times, spaces, statuses and persons. Each element is always tied up and intertwined with one another. The interweave of things transforms into a chaos. The chaos, which situates in the same plane but in different class and status, is too difficult to unravel.

In these film slides, all the persons' names are deprived of their titles and ranks. Only original names and surnames are left to appear within the same frame. No one has title and rank on his/her name to symbolize the class gap, which is the most important issue in Thai social structure. This is what I expect to see in this country.

The point is, to understand the causes and the effects in each period; we need to deconstruct the past and the present from various overlapping elements. Then, we may find the real structure of causes and effects that has an impact on the present time, and we may reach the truth in our national history. 

This work is similar to a timeline of the history of Thailand. However, the timeline is unchronological. It also strips of a rank, a position and an importance of each player in the Thai political history since 1932. Since the past has an effect on the contemporary, the people in the past inevitably relates to the people in the present. Sometimes it is like a recreation of the memory which intertwines reality with fiction, and it is too difficult to separate both of them. Moreover, the relationship of the past and the present is told through the change of the analog era to the digital era. Though the mediums and the characters are different, there is something that happened, and repeats itself.