Designerlabour & Starckookle


             Designerlabour & Starckookle

             Performance and Mixed Media

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This Art is conceptually based on my design named as “Zen Garden” that I received the awards “Designer of the year 2007 and 2008” from Silpakorn University, Thailand. I purpose to compare the way Thai designers  work as a labor or a hard worker, doing everything on their own with a little compensation, to the work of foreign designers by making sarcasm on my own award as a “Designer labour of the year” before creating a certificate of award for every designer in the exhibition show in Thailand. I believe that everyone, not only me, should be rewarded for their effort and hard working. Moreover, I aim to mention that Phillip Starck, a world famous designer, has created works that are more likely to find in Google – by the definition of "I'm Feeling Lucky!" Printing a word “Starckookle” on the certificates also helps pretend that he is giving the labour awards to Thai designers.